The West Stockbridge Public Library hosted it's first Poety Slam on March 13th! The emcee, Vanessa Vargas, was wonderful and really had everyone participating. There were three winners who are all eligible to go on to the Regional Competition in May. Hilary Russell, from Sheffield, came in first place, Karel Fisher, from Richmond, was second, and the super brave local youngster, Juri Kiin of West Stockbridge, stole third. Prizes were donated by Hotchkiss Mobiles, Molly Bruce Jacobs, Hoffman Pottery, West Stockbridge Video, and the Bookloft. The WS Friends of the Library and Cultural Council also helped sponsored the event. A big THANKS to everyone that helped pull this together!
AJ ColeWest Stockbridge Library Director
Photo: Juri Kiin, Hilary Russell, Karel Fisher, and Vanessa Vargas